Wednesday, July 18, 2007

He has made his mark

Its official, Mark Cuban has finally filled out his application to purchase the Chicago Cubs. Mark, it’s about time you did it. MLB dearly needs an owner who actually cares about winning and knows a thing or two about the game. Most of the current owners have other primary business interest rather than worrying how well their team is doing. I can just see Bud Selig cringing when the fax machine spit out his application. Hate to tell you this Bud, but he might be exactly what MLB needs a passionate owner who is not afraid to speak out. He gets fined some much by Darth David Stern Vader is because Stern is a control freak and can't handle criticisms. He thinks he made what the NBA is. No David, it was Michael Jordan who made what the NBA is today.

There is a day and night difference between the NBA and MLB. NBA is afraid to get their image tarnished; too bad it’s not working. Ever since #23 left the ratings have been sliding each year. On the other end MLB attendance is at the highest ever and keeps growing amidst the steroid probe. MLB has lot of good things going for them then bad. So do you really think giving the Cubs to Mark Cuban is going to hurt MLB? If that’s the case then take the Yankees away from Steinbrenner, fine Hank Aaron for being a baby and fire yourself for not being a true Commissioner of MLB. Your duty is to be there for the breaking of the most hallowed record in baseball. No government gave you authority to judge Barry Bonds guilty. He is innocent until proven guilty. If you can find 100% proof he did it, then provide or until then shut up! There is no steroid in the world that can give you hand eye coordination so you can walk over 250 times during a season!

I highly doubt any owners would have issues with Mark Cuban coming as the owner of the Chicago Cubs. If there are any, they are afraid of his competitiveness not his outspoken ways.

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