Wednesday, July 18, 2007

He has made his mark

Its official, Mark Cuban has finally filled out his application to purchase the Chicago Cubs. Mark, it’s about time you did it. MLB dearly needs an owner who actually cares about winning and knows a thing or two about the game. Most of the current owners have other primary business interest rather than worrying how well their team is doing. I can just see Bud Selig cringing when the fax machine spit out his application. Hate to tell you this Bud, but he might be exactly what MLB needs a passionate owner who is not afraid to speak out. He gets fined some much by Darth David Stern Vader is because Stern is a control freak and can't handle criticisms. He thinks he made what the NBA is. No David, it was Michael Jordan who made what the NBA is today.

There is a day and night difference between the NBA and MLB. NBA is afraid to get their image tarnished; too bad it’s not working. Ever since #23 left the ratings have been sliding each year. On the other end MLB attendance is at the highest ever and keeps growing amidst the steroid probe. MLB has lot of good things going for them then bad. So do you really think giving the Cubs to Mark Cuban is going to hurt MLB? If that’s the case then take the Yankees away from Steinbrenner, fine Hank Aaron for being a baby and fire yourself for not being a true Commissioner of MLB. Your duty is to be there for the breaking of the most hallowed record in baseball. No government gave you authority to judge Barry Bonds guilty. He is innocent until proven guilty. If you can find 100% proof he did it, then provide or until then shut up! There is no steroid in the world that can give you hand eye coordination so you can walk over 250 times during a season!

I highly doubt any owners would have issues with Mark Cuban coming as the owner of the Chicago Cubs. If there are any, they are afraid of his competitiveness not his outspoken ways.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Cubbies for sale?

So the beloved Chicago Cubs are for sale. Some of questions that come up often are; how much are they worth? Who are some potential buyers?

Experts are speculating their value in $500-$700 million range and it doesn't even include their ballpark Wrigley Field (not sure why someone would want it w/o the park). A big ROI, since they were bought for mere $20.1 million in 1981. Now who in their insane mind want to pay for a team who haven't won a World Series in 99 years and possibly without a ballpark but a small stake (25%) in Comcast Sports Network. The do have one of the largest fan followings besides the Red Sox and Yankees. A great media market next to New York and Los Angeles. Well it shouldn't surprise you how many billionaire nutcases exists!

We have our list of prospective buyers:

1. Jerry Colangelo- A Chicago Height native who used to be a managing partner with Arizona Diamondbacks and knows a little about winning a World Series from 2001. Also known to go over budget and overpay for players in their declining years. A perfect fit? Maybe, maybe not. What we do know is he has been a winner. But I don't think we can let him run Cubs based on his poor decisions in the past.

2. Ernie Banks- Ah yes Mr. Cub himself. He wants to put together a group of investors and buy the Cubs from the tight fisted Tribune Co. Since he was never able to get a ring during his playing days, is hoping to get one as an owner. But what can he bring to the Cubs what they don't have already? Nothing really. He already represents the Cubs as a former player. I doubt it will bring in more fans or change the player’s style of play. I see him too quite to even consider as an owner.

3. Don Levin- Owner of the Chicago Wolves minor league hockey team. He and his team of 15 investors think they know what it takes to make the Cubs a Winner. He might be a good business man, but not sure what he would know about running a major league team.


4. Mark Cuban- Yes, the blog maverick himself. He has been staying low lately and has avoided answering any questions about the potential sale of the Cubs. "I don't even know what’s for sale, when they do try to sell, so there is nothing really to comment on. He owns the Dallas Mavericks, one of the worst NBA teams and turned them around into one of the best. He has always been at odds with other NBA owners and David Stern with his fierce style. Something that is making him consider selling his team. Did I mention, he is a Pittsburg Pirates fan :(
During the 2006 season he was invited as a guest to perform the Take me out to the Ballgame, but couldn't get himself to say "Go Cubbies" Not sure if we really want a owner who might trade away his best players to his favorite team for peanuts. But what we do know is that whatever he has touched turns into a winner. He has passion that all owners should posses. He wants to put a winner out there to compete each day. Would do anything to make sure they are competitive each year. He has enough funds to buy it outright. However just like the NBA, MLB owners and brass might be against him. Bud and his friends want to make sure they bring in the right person. So Bud has put Jerry Reinsdorf in charge in finding a suitable ownership group. Wouldn't you think that’s conflict of interest since he owns the cross town rivals White Sox? Interesting, isn't it. Go BUD ftw.

5. Public- This is an idea I would like to introduce to the mix. Why not let the public buy the Chicago Cubs as a publicly traded stock? I think they have plenty of fans willing to pour their hard earned money to make them a winner. NLF was successful with the Green bay Packers being owned by public financing. Why can't MLB do it too? I think this would be great for the fans all over the world and wouldn't have to worry about any owner running the team down. If you think you would like to join in and help purchase the Chicago Cubs to take them public, please contact us Would love to hear from you.

And Mark please email us, I have tried sending you many emails, but no response from you. Hope the Blackberry outage didn't have an effect on your communications. We can make this a reality and hopefully end this 100 year championship drought. Don't forget there is a CUB in CUBAN (This is officially trademarked by 2007) If you would like to use this term, please ask for our permission first.)

If you have ideas or would like to contribute to this site or help purchase the Chicago Cubs, please email us